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“If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg” by Winston Churchill: nutshell: World War I probably would have went the other way. {via}

Fish ‘N’ Flush: an aquarium made into a fully-functional toilet. The only surprising thing is why this didn’t exist before. {via}


Izola Shower Curtains: nice. I doubt it would go with many bathrooms, but who cares.


Virtual Magic: 3D modeling of Disneyland from satellite views. He eventually hopes to do the entire park: he’s off to a good start.

New Hancock First Look: another trailer for Hancock. This one really expands on the first one and I’m a little more excited about the film.


Barbie Massacre: slightly gruesome. Seems like a waste of dolls, but maybe they buy in bulk. {via}


Previously on Lost – What?: hilarious montage. {via}


Lost-Related Greeting Card: funny. And too true. {via}


WordPress 2.5: I’ve upgraded and there are certain things I like, but much I absolutely don’t. Categories beneath the post: idiotic. Auto-saving draft: annoying as I often hit publish only to find out that it was in the middle of saving a draft and so I’ve got a draft to delete. Scrolling within categories: ridiculous. Navigationitis: irritating as it seriously clutters up the interface. The previous admin interface was no great shakes but this is awful.

Marker Bored: two roommates collaborate in a call-and-response fashion on a shared whiteboard. I’ve seen people do that at work too. {via}

Pen-Spinning Tournament 2008: holy crap! I’m a pen spinner but I have a hard time saying that after watching these videos! {via}


Porn for the Blind: it’s just not the same. [NSFW] {via}


Google Blogoscoped: best April Fool’s Day joke that I’ve seen this year! They know their audience, that’s for sure.

Virgle: Google’s April Fool’s entry. Feels a little phoned in. Sorry.

Improv Everywhere: retro WordPress, today only.