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We Surf So You Don't Have To


Wow, this is really, really awesome. [via]


Great illustration of the current gas prices.

[UPDATE (5/31/04): Funny Top Ten List on the matter. {via}]

Creepy Clown: he’s not particularly creepy, but the fact that 22 people have rendered him in more than 50 scenes kind of is. There’s even a subset of pictures with him versus the Dancing Baby.


These all seem to go together somehow, but I can’t quite put my finger on it: Ouchy the Clown, Furniture Porn, and

I don’t know whether to file this under crazy domain names or demented liberal crap. You’re right: probably both.

Mommy, where do highway cones come from?

I’ve heard of men carrying their ex-wives, but this is ridiculous.


This domain name is hilarious. Don’t necessarily agree with the sentiment.


Beats Lunchables, I suppose.


I saw this one weeks ago, but decided not to pass it along because it seemed unworthy of note—just like the human chess games—but now that it’s been linked to by every other site in existence: Pac-Manhattan.


Infinite Cat Project: pictures of cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats looking at monitors with pictures of other cats ∞

Bad Scrabble Hand Archive: come see a collection of photographs of assorted tiles with letters on them. How do we know that they were drawn in the heat of battle and not just assembled for this site? Pass.


Speaking of hunting, some like smaller game.

Handicapped &neq; no more hunting.


Two great tastes that taste great together? That ain’t right.


Harmon Leon gets into places that most fear to explore and writes about his experiences.

Pizza Party: command-line utility for ordering pizzas from Domino’s. Quel geeky!

Not for the squeamish: the story of one man’s tapeworm.


Goat Trauma Foundation: won’t somebody think of the children? Petting zoos are the devil.

Dinctype is offering a boatload of free fonts for Mac and Windows. Bill likee free.


Who says Apple prizes creativity? Sticks in the mud. Twice over.


The truth is out there. I thought they just killed CEOs.

These cybersects logs—hey, I get enough weird search requests as it is; you think I want to add to it?—remind me of Amber Forever. Note: these logs are not safe for work but they’re funny as all get out!